Sweeping at Cidade Colina

Portugal Legacy Fund

Portugal Legacy Fund
Building | $15,000




Individual in



Church in



Portugal has a rich legacy of exploration and discovery. Even today, the world continues to feel that legacy as Portuguese ranks among the top ten most spoken languages globally. Portugal’s history is marked by achievements in exploration, invention, and culture, solidifying its important place in the annals of human civilization.

When comparing the 2011 Portuguese Census to the 2021 data, we observe that Evangcelical Christianity has more than doubled in Portugal, growing from 0.84% of residents to 2.13%. This growth reflects a vibrant and expanding community, yet there is much work to be done.

To firmly establish a Portuguese evangelical legacy, essential resources are required, such as dedicated buildings, a comprehensive supply of Bible resources, and well-trained national pastors. The objective of this project goes beyond mere provision; it is about empowering Portuguese evangelicals to forge their own legacy, thereby contributing to the rich tapestry of Portugal’s heritage.

Your support is vital.

We invite you to join us in this crucial endeavor. Your support can help provide the essential resources needed to nurture and grow the Evangelical community in Portugal. Together, we can make a lasting impact that echoes the spirit of exploration, discovery, and innovation that characterizes the Portuguese legacy. Whether through financial contributions, volunteering, or spreading the word, your involvement is the key to success. Reach out to us today and be part of shaping Portugal’s evangelical future.

Espresso Updates

New Building

New Building

We have thrilling news to share – we finally have our building! ???? Stand up and do a little dance …



Thanks to your unwavering support, we've made significant progress with Cidade Colina. Today, I'm th…

On a Mission Espresso Updates: 2023-Q4

On a Mission

We are filled with a profound sense of purpose and excitement regarding a vision that has the potent…

Park Devotional Espresso Updates: Q3-2023

Park Devotionals

The last time we wrote to you we shared about how we are teaching English classes in an effort to me…